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Celebrating Mother’s Day With Your Elderly Mom: Simple Yet Meaningful Activities

Mother’s Day is our chance to honor and celebrate the love and care our mothers and mother- figures have always given us. But if mom is elderly, and particularly if she’s dealing with dementia, it’s not always easy to find meaningful ways to express our feelings. Here are some suggestions for creating a wonderful day for our very deserving mothers – whether at a home, out in the community, or at the facility where mom is living.

Celebrating Mother’s Day At A Home:

1. Memory Lane Scrapbooking: Gather old photographs and mementos and create a scrapbook together. Talk to mom about the memories from each photo. This will both help her cognitive function and strengthen your emotional connection. You can also look through family photo albums or play videos of family gatherings and special events like weddings and anniversaries. Play familiar music in the background if it’s not a distraction. Be sure to check out our MPGO Apple Music Playlist, as well as the Broadway tunes we created on Spotify

2. Favorite Meal Preparation: Cook or bake mom’s favorite meal or treat together. Involve her in simple tasks like stirring or measuring ingredients. The smell and taste of familiar dishes can bring back pleasant memories and create a comforting atmosphere. Again, play music in the background to keep the energy up.

3. Gentle Exercise and Relaxation: Lead mom in gentle exercises such as seated yoga or light stretching. Here are some suggested routines. Follow it up with relaxation techniques like deep breathing or, once again, listening to soothing music. These activities promote physical well-being and reduce stress, fostering a sense of calm and contentment.

4. Storytime: Spend time reading together or sharing stories from the past with your mom. Choose books or articles that align with her interests and abilities. You can also encourage mom to recount her own experiences or family anecdotes, allowing her to feel valued and heard. If her spirits are high, and her cognitive condition warrants, you could videotape her reminiscing about key moments in her life. You and your kids will treasure that video in the years to come. 

Celebrating Out In The Community:

1. Picnic in the Park: Pack a picnic basket with simple snacks and sandwiches, then head to a nearby park for a leisurely outdoor meal. A spot overlooking a children’s playground might be particularly appealing to an elderly parent. Bring along a favorite book or board game for added entertainment. Hopefully there are other family members who can join you. If not, and you have a hired caregiver, you may want to bring them along. 

2. Flower Garden Visit: Take a trip to a local botanical garden or flower nursery to admire the blooms. Encourage mom to touch and smell the flowers, engaging her senses and putting a smile on her face. Take pictures that you can share with her later, helping bring back the memories.

3. Family Style Restaurant: Is there a local family-style restaurant mom has always enjoyed? Plan ahead and make a reservation if possible, as Mother’s Day is a high-demand date. You might also go during off hours, hopefully enjoying a quieter time and avoiding crowds and noise. You, mom, and hopefully others can enjoy familiar comfort food, as well as relaxed conversation, stories, and laughter. Even if you’ve got a Four Season’s buffet budget, an IHOP or Denny’s may be an even more enjoyable experience for your elderly mother. 

4. Scenic Drive: It depends on where you live, of course, but maybe there’s a scenic drive you could take mom on, stopping at viewpoints or roadside attractions along the way. Or perhaps you can drive mom around the old neighborhood, helping her recall important spots from the past. (No guarantee it’ll go as well as this clip from the memorable Chevy commercial, but it should still be meaningful. And don’t forget the appropriate music).

Celebrating Mother’s Day At An Assisted Living Or Memory Care Facility:

1. Personalized Crafts: If your mother’s facility runs an arts and crafts program, that’s great. If not, maybe you can suggest a special one for the holiday, where mom and her friends can create their own projects. Provide simple materials like paper, markers, and stickers. Creative activities allow mom to express herself, as well as interact with others. 

2. Music Therapy: Again, if mom’s facility has it, fabulous. If not, would they let you bring in a music therapist to conduct a session on familiar songs and melodies? Music has the power to evoke emotions and memories, providing comfort and joy to people suffering from dementia. Singing along or simply listening can uplift spirits and foster a sense of connection. Doing this with a group will be more beneficial than just in her room.

3. Garden or Neighborhood Stroll: If the facility has outdoor space, take a leisurely stroll through a garden or courtyard. Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature while engaging in conversation or quiet reflection. Fresh air and greenery can have a rejuvenating effect on mood and overall wellness. If the facility is near safe sidewalks and city sites, take a stroll around the neighborhood, even if mom’s in a wheelchair.

4. Virtual Family Visits: Coordinate virtual visits with family members who can’t be there in person. Having mom interact with her loved ones, even through a screen, can’t help but lift her spirits and overall well-being.

Whether engaging in simple activities at home, venturing into the community, or participating in programs at a facility, you have the opportunity to create cherished memories and express your love and appreciation for your mother. Make the most of it, and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms who’ve always given so much to their children!

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